> 春节2024 > 过年什么日期准备年货英文




Today I am going to do Spring Festival shopping with my mother.

As the Spring Festival approaches, it is time for Chinese families to start preparing for the celebrations. One of the important tasks is to buy the necessary goods for the festival, which is known as \"年货\" (niánhuò) in Chinese. From food items like meat, fruits, and drinks to household items like cleaning supplies and decorations, people stock up on everything they need for the festive season.

Shopping for Spring Festival goods is not just about practicality; it is also a cultural tradition. It is believed that buying and preparing these special purchases will bring good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year. Therefore, it is common for families to spend a significant amount of time and effort in selecting the best quality goods and ensuring everything is ready for the festivities.


The Spring Festival is usually in late January or February before the Spring Festival, people are busy with various preparations. These preparations include thorough cleaning of the house, which is known as \"大扫除\" (dà sǎo chú) in Chinese. It symbolizes the removal of bad luck and making space for good fortune in the new year.

Another essential task is to purchase new clothes for the festivities. Chinese people believe that wearing new clothes during the Spring Festival will bring them good luck and blessings. This tradition is called \"买新衣\" (mǎi xīn yī) in Chinese.

These activities are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and hold great significance. Each task has its own symbolic meaning and contributes to the overall festive atmosphere.


1. About a month before the Spring Festival, people start preparing for the celebrations. This includes buying Spring Festival goods (\"年货\") and cleaning the house (\"打扫卫生\").

2. Regardless of the distance, people who work in a different city or even a different country make great efforts to return home for the Spring Festival. It is a time for family reunions and cherishing the importance of family ties.

3. On New Year\'s Eve, families gather together to have a festive dinner and watch the Spring Festival gala (\"联欢晚会\"). It is a joyful occasion filled with laughter, delicious food, and exciting performances.


Chinese New Year is coming. My mother and I go shopping for some special purchases for the Spring Festival. These include various traditional food items, decorations, and gifts for our family and friends.

It is an exciting time when the markets are bustling with people, and there is a sense of anticipation in the air. We carefully select the best quality products and enjoy the festive atmosphere while shopping for the Spring Festival goods.


As Chinese New Year approaches, families engage in a series of preparations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable celebration. These preparations typically include cleaning the house, making arrangements for the Spring Festival goods, such as purchasing traditional delicacies like cured meats and fish, and preparing festive meals.

In many regions of China, it is also common to slaughter a pig specifically for the occasion. This tradition symbolizes abundance and prosperity for the coming year. The pig is prepared, cooked, and enjoyed as part of the festive feasts.

Another popular food item during the Spring Festival is \"糍粑\" (cí bā), a sticky rice cake made with glutinous rice. It is a traditional delicacy that represents reunion and unity.


The English translation for \"年货\" is \"Spring Festival goods\" or \"Chinese New Year purchases.\"

During this festive season, people stock up on various goods and products to ensure a prosperous and joyful celebration. These goods can include food items, decorations, gifts, and other essentials needed for the festivities. Therefore, \"Spring Festival goods\" is an appropriate term to describe the special purchases made for the Chinese New Year.


In China, the Spring Festival is a highly significant festival. It marks the beginning of the new year and holds great cultural and traditional importance. As the festival approaches, people engage in various activities to prepare for the celebrations.

One of the essential customs during this time is exchanging gifts. People buy a variety of gifts, including meat, fruits, flowers, and drinks, to extend their blessings and well wishes to family, friends, and colleagues. The act of giving and receiving gifts strengthens social connections and symbolizes goodwill and harmony.

The Spring Festival is eagerly awaited by children as well. They look forward to the festivities, the time off from school, and the joyous atmosphere that surrounds the festival.

你好, 集市年货怎么说?_沪江网校知识库

The term \"集市年货\" can be translated as \"market Spring Festival goods\" or \"market purchases for the Spring Festival.\"

During the Spring Festival season, traditional markets become lively and bustling with various vendors selling a wide range of goods for the celebrations. People visit these markets to purchase the necessary items for the festival, including food, decorations, clothing, and more. The markets offer a vibrant and festive atmosphere, making it a popular destination for Spring Festival shopping.


To express the future tense of \"I am going to help my parents buy some goods for the Spring Festival,\" you can say:

\"I\'m going to assist my parents in purchasing Spring Festival goods.\"

This sentence conveys the intention to support and participate in the process of buying the necessary items for the Spring Festival. It showcases the importance of familial bond and cooperation during this festive season.